My Octopus Teacher

Janpal LaChapelle
1 min readFeb 12, 2023

The shots, sound design, soundtrack were all incredible. It’s a deeply pretty movie, and everything about it felt lilting and immersive. I enjoyed the sense of wonder and marvel at life and relationships and nature, and the willingness to be vulnerable.

Not a fan of how its basically a dude in his midlife crisis, and how weird it feels watching him emphasize the gender of the octopus and invent a relationship where you know there isn’t really one. That definitely lessened the real emotional value there.

It’s not that I think every piece of art needs to have ‘a point’ per se, but I also came away unsure what to learn. It was emotionally compelling at many points but I was unconvinced by a lot especially because it felt like Foster was still thinking through the experience.

its a beautiful diary, but wasn’t my absolute favoritest movie



Janpal LaChapelle

movie reviews, sometimes book reviews, sometimes short story recommendations, sometimes tv shows! anything